Thursday, November 18, 2010

To give or not to give....

I am in dilemma - to give or not to give away something dear to me. Due to some unforseen circumstances and some financial difficulty, I need to make up my mind without hurting or jeopardizing my relationship. This matter had been on my mind for almost a year and I cant seem to make up my mind. Its a difficult thing to do but eventually I have to decide. All I need to do is Redha and Tawakkal. Allah knows better....

Perhaps I should wait until my court date this mid Dec and I will decide then..... May everything ends well soon....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gathering with Friends

The best way to spend Deepavali Hols was to meet friends gather2. We finally met at Shah Motel in PJ, all the 14 of us. No spouse n kids actually but I had to take Sarah along. We had a GREAT time talking about old times and a handful of us spent the nite at the hotel. We kept on chatting until 4 am....

The next day we proceeded to Pucuk Di Cita at Wangsa Maju for brunch. A few others joined in to replace some who could not make it for breakfast. But still... it was GAMAT!!!

To all my friends, thank you for being there.... Will love all of you always....