Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goodbye 2010

A year had passed and overall it had been so-so for me. Many incidents happened in 2010 which were mixed between happiness and dreadfulness. Too many court cases that I had attended and more to come for 2011. All of the court cases were dreadful but I have to go through the legal system to fight for my rights. Even after more than two years being separated, the court has not decided on the harta sepencarian and I do not know how long will all end.

In the mean time, I had to continue struggling to support my family. Had to find means and ways to survive and to make my kids live comfortably. How tiring it may be but at the end of the day, the time that I spent with the kids is happiness. We may have less to spend but we have all the time to compensate and cherish with what we have.

InsyaAllah 2011 would be a better year for us and I pray that will end well in the near future.

Happy 2011 everyone!