Friday, November 27, 2009

Hari Raya Aidil Adha

This is where we celebrated Hari Raya Aidil Adha this year.....
At the hospital. No ketupat or rendang, as usual but we are still
together and that what matters most.

Zaki was discharged at 2 pm and how good to feels to be at
home again. In the comfort of my bed.... Been sleeping on the chair
at the hospital

Thank you to all the well wishers and support that I received from friends and family.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all from us.

Monday, November 23, 2009

exam @ apsh

Zaki trying to catch some sleep while waiting for his exam to start. Kesian anak ibu.... Alhamdulillah he is getting better but still on drip coz he is not eating much. His fever subsided and the swollen area less painful. But the pass on his knee still there and treated by antibiotics.

At least he is taking his exam at a comfort of his home. Wearing kain pelikat.... And he can lie down.

His next paper will be on Dec 2 which is Science. A week off...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Zaki - Hospitalized

My dear Zaki was in pain since noon and I decided to send him the the hospital again. He was in tears and my heart breaks seeing him in pain. He was admitted into the hospital and I had to make many calls to his teachers coz on Monday, he has his Maths exam.

A came to pick up the other kids and we argued over Zaki. Actually I am supposed to appear in court on Tuesday coz he wants to claim Harta Sepencarian. At a moment like this, when Zaki is facing his SPM, injured and hospitalized and yet, what matters to him is to claim his harta. What a thoughtfool father! Priority please! When he came back to sent the kids, Zaki was vomitting and all he cared for is sitting at one corner with his phone! What a father!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Oh! School Holidays

Its school holidays again... Last long school holidays, we went to Hong Kong. It was early Dec 2008 and winter. No snow and very2 cold. The kids were not used to very cold weather and had hard time adjusting to it.
The trip to Disneyland was fun. Sara enjoyed the most and the boys enjoyed the rides. They were asking to go to Hong Kong again but this year, Zaki is sitting for his SPM. I intend to take them to Langkawi actually after SPM. And after that trip, we will be busy shifting house.
As long as we are together, we will salvage every moment and before the kids grow any bigger, I want them to feel loved and secured. My kids, my precious darlings. No matter where you'll in the future, you'll still be my baby.... I love you all.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Of exams and results

SPM started on Wed and Zaki did his at his school. Well.... There were Aznil and troop from Radio Era at the school and Zaki was interviewed live. What an experience! He was able to wear his basketball shorts because its quite painful for him should he wear long pants. Wearing his white uniform with tie and his shorts.... I think everyone will remember this for a long time!
And today, Zaid got his UPSR results. Unbelievable! 5As and I was in tears. When I heard his name called at the school, I was jumping with joy. Am proud of Zaid... Even his class teacher could not believe he got that results. I hope that he will keep up with his good results. Alhamdulillah.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Eventful Weekend

Last weekend, I think was the busiest weekend. I attended 3 weddings, a gotong royong, 2 ihtifal and my dear Zaki met an accident.... Wow! What a weekend! Zaki received 13 stitches on his left lower arm and bruises all over his body. And he is sitting for his SPM on Wednesday! I was running around to settle with his school, hospital, police station and also work.
Zaki was taken from the accident site to HKL by ambulance. When I arrived at the site, he was already taken by ambulance. I asked the policemen where was he taken, and to my dismay, they didnt know. They guessed HKL and I zoomed there and found him. Luckily my brother came to my rescue. He took the other kids home and babysit them for a few hours.
My dear boy was really scared and most of all scared that I would be screaming... but I didnt. Well... what else could I do. I accepted that as fate and thats the risk of living. It could happen to anybody whether you drive, on bike or even walking. I hope that Zaki would learn something from the incident and be more careful in the future. I emailed A to inform him, but as usual, no respond or whatsoever. I've done my duty to inform him regarding his son, but if he chose to ignore, I cant help it. For whatever the reason, I chose not to bother coz this is reality. If he could do weird things to me, what is ignoring his kids....?
The kids also dont expect him to come running should anything happened to them. Thats what he was as far as they are concerned. Being selfish even to his own legal kids.... How weird fathers could be... They only know how to fathered the kids but they dont know how to be the father. And yet they expect the kids to treat them with full respect! How sad....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Matlock DVD

As I was about to go back from office today, my boss handed me this DVD. It was so thoughtful of him as he knew I like Matlock. He bought a whole bunch of DVDs during his trip to USA last January. There goes my weekend... Glued to TV watching this DVD. But as today is Friday, my Midsomer Murder will be my priority.

Have many plans tho for the weekend actually... wedding, ihtifal, piano class, gotong royong and the list goes on and on. Will try to attend all.... Wishful thinking!

My other students

Remember I have 2 other classes. The small kids were at the zoo and we had a lot fun. The other one is at the tuition centre. The pleasure of teaching kids from various ages and backgrounds make me feel lucky to be the daughter of my parents. How my father forced me to speak in Englsih ever since I was small and I can see the benefits now.
We never realise sometimes when you are forced to do something that you detest, eventually it will benefit us later in the future. It pays to be patient and persevere....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

These are some of the students that I teach in two different schools. My passion for teaching kids English started when I was asked to teach some neighbours' children. I have the patience to teach these kids but according to my kids I am GARANG. Yes to my kids but not to other kids. I am strict with my kids when it comes to English. But when I go to these classes, I felt needed and appreciated. A always say that I am not good. But its not for him to judge me... I had been teaching tuition at this school for the last 5 years and had proven that I am able to guide and teach the kids.
I have two other classes; kindergarten and SPM students. The SPM class is over as the exam is just 6 days away.. Argh...I pray that Zaki will do well. To all the students sitting for their exam, GOOD LUCK! Read the questions carefully and answer correctly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The boys' birthday

The boys' birthdays were in September. Zaki and Zaid turned 17 and 12 respectively. We delayed the celebration because of the exams and it was in fasting month. The trip to Singapore was the birthday present. We were at Fridays and the boys had to stand on the chairs while the staffs sang the birthday song.
I wonder where will we celebrate birthdays next year.... The next birthday to celebrate is mine... Where shall I go? Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another Concert - BDB

Yes! Another concert.. This one a Mother's Day present from my boss. Black Dog Bone and Jay-Jay. My good friend, Shema, went with me. It was like living in the 70s. The songs from BDB and Jay-Jay reminded us of our younger days. As usual, we sang along.. We can see the crowd singing along and the concert was entertaining.

We queued up to get autographs from the singers. Later after the concert, we had supper and we reached home quite late.

My boss enjoyed the concert so much that he went again with his family the next day.

Birthday Lunch

Had lunch with 3 good friends

at KLCC. We were celebrating a birthday. Well.. one of us. We spent our teen years together. We talked about our younger days and trying to catch up and updating the new stories. We had abundance of food and had to pack some. So greedy..

I can say that we still look good for our age. We were still talking to each other like kids and we dont think our age slow us down. Happy to be still be able to get together and I hope that we will still cherish our time together. Thanks dear friends... Thanks for your support!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another day... at the clinic

Again today I rushed home from work to take Sarah and Zaid to the clinic. In the last two weeks, I have been to the clinic more than 5 times. Zaki first, then Sarah and now Zaid... Luckily the doc is friendly and the clinic is quite near. The only problem is parking. Its a miracle to get a parking space nearby.

Again today it rained... I could not go back to the office and worked from home. Sent some emails to clients and communicate by YM and FB. In this era, its not impossible to work from home. We have all the gadgets and tech to actually do everything from home including banking, shopping etc. Thats why I enjoy staying at home coz its fun and have a lot of things to do...

Today I chatted with YKH, my ex-superior when I was working in the bank based company. I quit my job end 1995 to take care of Zaki. I wonder where would I be, should I still be working....
But... staying at home to be with kids still is the best choice. The pleasure of seeing your kids grow in front of your eyes. No regrets.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rod Stewart's Concert

This great concert was held on February 28, 2009 in Singapore. I went there purposely to watch him live in concert. The 3 hours concert was enjoyable and most of the audience were singing together with him. He was energetic and his voice... For an old man, he is still a crowd puller. His fans mostly are on their feet jumping and shaking and singing to his songs.
After the concert, I walked in the rain to my hotel. I chose a hotel nearby the Singapore Indoor Stadium coz I knew that to get a taxi would be a miracle. While I was there, I manage to do some shopping for myself... My hobby actually.
I am looking forward to go to more concerts no matter where. In 2009 alone, I went to 4 concerts and still have 2 months to go....

Piano lesson

Sarah had her piano lesson today. Her fourth lesson actually. Esther, her teacher is a very patient lady. She tried to get Sarah's attention throughout the lesson. As usual, Sarah's attention span is short. But I am happy with Sarah's progress. Now Sarah is playing with both her hands and reading notes. Am very proud of my dear little girl....

Maybe one day Sarah will be able to entertain me with my favourite songs... Barry Manilow's songs perhaps.... Even Now...

Friday, November 6, 2009


As Sarah is still down with chicken pox, I decided to spend this weekend at home being with the kids. Zaki will start his exam on Nov 18 and Zaid will get his result soon. I hope Sarah will be able to go to school next week to sit for her exam.

I am starting to pack up my things to move by end Dec. I have lot of things to throw and had been giving away some of the clothes; to friends and recently 4 boxes to the earthquake victims in Padang, Sumatera. Felt good about it and will be giving more things away in due time. I dont think the new place can accomodate all my things from this house. Well... I dont think I want to take many things from this house either! I just want to start new. New place, new environment and away from this house. Cant wait to get out and move on....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wheel of Fate

I was on this wheel during my visit to Singapore last September. It was huge but slow. From far, you cant see it moving. The kids at first tot it was not operating. We walked quite a bit (actually from Bugis to the Flyer) coz the roads were closed for the F1 race.

Sarah was complaining why the wheel seemed to be near but far. When we reached there, there were no crowd. The wheel ride was slow and steady. Cant feel anything actually. The view was breathtaking. You can see the whole of Singapore from up there.
The Wheel ride is like the cycle of life. The ups and downs and finally you're back on the ground. The ground is where the reality lies. You need to experience all sorts adventures and meet many people to be where you are now. I see my life as slow and steady like the wheel. It took me many painful years to be where I am now. At least part of the pain is over now. As always I told A, the pain is over but the scar will always remain... Am not going to endure the same pain again.
I read a book that say Love anything that lives - a person, a pet, a plant - and it will die. Trust anybody and you may be hurt; depend on anyone and that one may let you down. The price of cathexis is pain. Move out or grow in any dimension and pain as well as joy will be your reward. There is frequently something pathetic about the individual who has failed to build his family into a loving unit, yet restlessly searches for loving relationships outside the family. The first obligation of a genuinely loving person will always be to his or her marital and parental relationships.
Think about that!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My dear old friend

I am pleased and excited! Thru FB, I found a long lost old friend from my primary years in KB. Well I saw her brother's name who happened to be my super senior at my secondary school. I manage to chat with him via FB and managed to explain who am I. He gave me his sister's hp no and I called her. She is in Penang and I can hear from her shouting, she was feeling excited. Tg Asilah... it was great hearing your voice!

I have not seen her since the 70s, perhaps over 30 years and we can still recall our times together. Such great times cycling all around KB and visiting friends. I had always wanted to meet my friends from primary days and trying to gather some info from friends who shared the same secondary school. Since they all hail from KB, perhaps they might have bumped into old friends.... Maybe we can organize a gathering....

So anyone reading this blog who happened to know anyone from ZS2 primary school 1970-1975, please contact me. I love to hear from you...

Monday, November 2, 2009

My off day

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my off days. This morning I managed to take Zaid to make his IC which was 2 months overdue. His 12th birthday this year was in fasting month and exam month. Last month I was uptight with a lot of things in mind and finally I found the time to take him. We went to JPN at Sri Rampai coz there are less crowd there. I once accompanied Zaki when he was 12 and the queue was like a mile long...

At last my astro got fixed. Sarah is the most excited one coz she can watch her 6++ channels again. Zaki is getting better but Sarah is down with fever. Can see the chicken pox coming out already. Hope she will be over it soon.

While I was running errand at TNB, I saw this show about abused women and the organisations who supported them. Good show... Kept me thinkin about all the other women who are facing these physical and mental abuse but refused to come forward. Women are not born to be abused especially not by husbands who think they are superior. We should not protect these men who do not value and appreciate us, women. We are the better species... Believe it!

Lightning and chicken pox

There was a power surge at our area after a lightning strike the TNB pole near my house. Well... you can guess what happened next. My astro, modem, few lights and my notebook charger were affected. We stayed in total darkness till almost 9 pm when the power were restored. Sarah was freaking out. The TNB guys came to access our loss and will have to write to them to claim the loss. Imagine no atro and wifi... Macam duduk zaman batu....

This morning had to take Zaki to the clinic and found out that Sarah also got chicken pox.... Argh.. I expected that but still... Pity her. Lucky for me coz all the kids dont have any problem with medication. Her exam starts tomorrow and had to call the teacher to inform of her condition. I hope the school can understand.

Its still raining... Still no astro but manage to get a new modem. At least can still interneting.... No tv for the next few days....