Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ramadhan 2010

Its been a week into Ramadhan, my favourite month actually. I'd always love ramadhan not because of the abundance of food sold but a month whereby my kids will eat together with me. But this year, my boys wanted to be at the surau. After my one month stint at the surau, my boys somehow enjoyed themselves there and had been going for their jemaah prayers and tarawikh there. They even break their fast there! As usual Sarah and I will go only after Maghrib and it also depends on her mood.

Sarah managed to puasa since Day 1. Its been a week and I am glad that she could go thru a week without much complains. Zaid is working at the surau; washing dishes and cleaning up. Zaki joinned the elders for tadarus. What a bless! Alhamdulillah..... Tq to all who had prayed for me and my kids....

The changes in my kids were longed by me.... I always prayed that they would be soleh and solehah kids..... I dont care about what A might think but all that matters now is we are happy together and performing ibadah together. We may not have lots of money but having enough taught us that barakah is more important than the amount.

I am into my second year anniversary for being single and I am enjoying every minute of it. For me to start a new relationship is not my priority. My kids are the utmost important people in my life and wouldnt want to be tied down again.

Now I am formulating a new survival plan for the next two years. As A is not complying to his agreement and promises, I need to restrategise my action plans. I hope my court case would end soon and thus to ease my worries on the uncertainties.

YA ALLAH! Give me strength and patience to go through all.....

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