Monday, November 16, 2009

Eventful Weekend

Last weekend, I think was the busiest weekend. I attended 3 weddings, a gotong royong, 2 ihtifal and my dear Zaki met an accident.... Wow! What a weekend! Zaki received 13 stitches on his left lower arm and bruises all over his body. And he is sitting for his SPM on Wednesday! I was running around to settle with his school, hospital, police station and also work.
Zaki was taken from the accident site to HKL by ambulance. When I arrived at the site, he was already taken by ambulance. I asked the policemen where was he taken, and to my dismay, they didnt know. They guessed HKL and I zoomed there and found him. Luckily my brother came to my rescue. He took the other kids home and babysit them for a few hours.
My dear boy was really scared and most of all scared that I would be screaming... but I didnt. Well... what else could I do. I accepted that as fate and thats the risk of living. It could happen to anybody whether you drive, on bike or even walking. I hope that Zaki would learn something from the incident and be more careful in the future. I emailed A to inform him, but as usual, no respond or whatsoever. I've done my duty to inform him regarding his son, but if he chose to ignore, I cant help it. For whatever the reason, I chose not to bother coz this is reality. If he could do weird things to me, what is ignoring his kids....?
The kids also dont expect him to come running should anything happened to them. Thats what he was as far as they are concerned. Being selfish even to his own legal kids.... How weird fathers could be... They only know how to fathered the kids but they dont know how to be the father. And yet they expect the kids to treat them with full respect! How sad....

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